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Central School of Make Up Online Safety Policy

The purpose of this policy statement

The Central School of Make Up, part of The National School of Make-up Limited works with a variety of students including young learners and vulnerable adults as part of its activities. These activities include: Online classes,  virtual workshops, virtual theory sessions, communication by email and text, sharing images for the purpose of assessing skill, share our learning environment on social media for the purposes of informing and educating.

The purpose of this policy statement is to:

  • ensure the safety and wellbeing of all young learners and vulnerable adults is paramount when adults, young learners and vulnerable adults are using the internet, social media or mobile devices.
  • provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to online safety.
  • ensure that, as a school, we operate in line with our values and within the law in terms of how we use online devices.

The policy statement applies to all staff, volunteers, models, visitors, young learners and vulnerable adults and anyone not named in the above involved in Central School of Make Up’s activities.

We recognise that:

  • the online world provides everyone with many opportunities; however, it can also present risks and challenges.
  • we have a duty to ensure that all staff & students including young learners and vulnerable adults involved in our organisation are protected from potential harm online.
  • we have a responsibility to help keep all staff & students including young learners and vulnerable adults safe online, whether or not they are using Central School of Make Ups network and devices.
  • all individuals, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
  • For student enrolling under the age of 18: we actively work with all students their parents or carers using guidance from specialist agencies to ensure we promote all student’s welfare & in helping all students: including young learners and vulnerable adults to be responsible in their approach to online safety.
  • Any students enrolled under the age of 18, must return a parental/guardian consent form before progressing with the course.

We will seek to keep all students, staff, young learners and vulnerable adults safe by:

  • We will not run open access virtual classes or session. All participants must be known , invited or record their attendance with our office prior to any online session.
  • providing clear and specific directions to staff, students and volunteers on how to behave online through ensuring our E- Safety policy is clearly presented to them at the outset or any course or work progressing.
  • supporting and encouraging all students, young learners and vulnerable adults using our school to use our E-Learning platforms, any social media and forums associated with our school in a way that keeps them safe and shows respect for others.
  • Engaging with all our parents and carers of young learners and vulnerable adults, to outline the platforms used for any specific course via our consent forms.
  • Having a clear and robust procedure to enable us to respond appropriately to any incidents of inappropriate online behaviour, whether by an adult or a young learner/ vulnerable adult.
  • reviewing and updating the security of our information systems regularly
  • ensuring that usernames, logins, email accounts and passwords are kept secure and links to eLearning platforms are only sent to the specific learner.
  • Checking the identity of the participant prior to any virtual classroom
  • Ensuring the Teacher is teaching from a location free from anyone not connected with the school or covered by this policy.
  • ensuring personal information about all the students who are involved in the Central School of Make Up is held securely and shared only as appropriate.
  • Discourage the use of under 18s as models for the purposes of the assessment photo. Where this is not possible, the image should have parental consent in writing prior to sending to Central School of Make Up.
  • We provide full support and training for staff and volunteers about online safety.

If online abuse occurs, we will respond to it by:

  • having clear and robust safeguarding procedures in place for responding to abuse (including online abuse)
  • Ensure it is clear from the outset to all staff, volunteers, students and the parents or carers where this can be reported.
  • providing support and training for all staff and volunteers on dealing with all forms of abuse, including bullying/cyberbullying and/or any inappropriate forms of communication.
  • making sure our response takes the needs of the person experiencing abuse, any bystanders and Central School of Make Up as a whole into account.
  • Conducting an internal review post any incident to mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence.

Legal framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect.

Children, young learners and vulnerable adults in England.

Summaries of the key legislation and guidance we use for support are available on:

  • online abuse
  • bullying
  • child protection

We believe that: all of our students including young learners and vulnerable adults should never experience abuse of any kind.

  • All students including young learners and vulnerable adults should be able to use the internet for education and personal development, but safeguards need to be in place to ensure they are kept safe at all times.


Report any E-Safety Concerns to

Name:   School Administrator




We are committed to reviewing our policy & good practice annually.


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